Sir Winston Churchill
1874 Winston Churchill born a grandson of Duke of Marlborough - but his father Randolph was younger son, so no money. Born and brought up at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire Cotswolds..
1887 Enters Harrow - reports indicate 'phenomenal slovenliness' and 'negligence'.
1893 Passes exam for Royal Military College Sandhurst at third attempt.
1895 Commissioned as cavalry officer (4th Hussars).
1896 Subaltern in India.
1898 Posted to Egypt - in cavalry charge at Omdurman.
1899-1900 Correspondent for Morning Post during Boer War - captured but escapes.
1900 Elected Conservative MP for Oldham - but disagrees with Tariff Reform and joins Liberals.
1908 Appointed President of Board of Trade by Asquith - establishes Labour Exchanges
1910 Appointed Home Secretary - wrongly accused of sending troops to crush striking Welsh miners.
1911-15 Dynamic First Lord of Admiralty.
1915 Resigns over failure of Dardanelles campaign - takes up painting and later serves in trenches on Western Front.
1918-21 Secretary for War and Air.
1922 Leaves Liberals.
1924 Rejoins Conservatives.
1924-9 Chancellor of Exchequer - on course for Conservative leadership.
1929-1939 Out of office - disagrees with Conservatives on India, rearmament and appeasement - warns public of Nazi danger and writes The History of the English-Speaking Peoples.
1939 First Lord of Admiralty again at start of World War Two.
1940 Prime Minister on defeat and resignation of Chamberlain - head of all-party Coalition Government for purpose of waging war.
1945 Resigns after defeat by Attlee's Labour Party in General Election.
1951 Prime Minister for second time.
1953 Wins Nobel Prize for Literature.
1955 Resigns and retires.
1965 Dies at age of 90 - receives first non-royal state funeral since Duke of Wellington.