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What to do in Broadway

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Walter Wentz and Charlie

What is there to do in Broadway

The honest answer is 'not much'. Broadway is a quiet little Cotswold village of about 2,500 souls with an old church and about forty shops all designed to relieve the tourist of his or her money. So why bother? If you are into retail therapy you will do better in Dallas, New York, Hong Kong, Sidney, or my favourite, Singapore. In the better stores in those cities they will even pour you a free drink. Here you will only get a bill.

So why bother when you can enjoy the delights of so many other places? Well, first is theBroadway High Street from across the village green people.

They are wonderful. Second is the architecture, especially on upper high street, a five minute walk from the centre of town. Take special notice of Priors Manse which is on the upper-left hand corner of High Street and Leamington Road as you head up hill. The Manse is in the Doomsday Book, which is the first census of England, a fact I mentioned earlier.

The third incentive for hanging hat a few days in Broadway is its location.

You are within a short driving distance, or in some cases a short hike, of a number of nifty places. An example is Buckland Manor, a mile down the road toward Cheltenham. The gardens and the old manor house will knock your socks off (quaint old American expression). The staff at Buckland are most friendly, the meals are terrific, and the prices - well, if you High Tea at a nearby Hotelhave to ask the prices you can't afford it. However, don't panic. A cream tea isn't THAT costly and you will find it one of the most elegant and fattening experiences you will ever have. When you get home, Buckland is one of the places you will brag about to your friends.

As to teas in England, Canada, and New Zealand, here is how they work...

Tea You get tea, with or without milk in it. [Ask for ice tea and you will be politely asked to leave.]

Cream Tea You get the above, plus scones with cream and jam.

High Tea You get the above with finger sandwiches. Thirty will satisfy the appetite of a small man.

Twenty-five minutes up Leamington Road is Stratford-upon-Avon, home of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Theatre there is as good as it gets in the English-speaking world. It may be as good as it gets in any world.

If you are not into serious drama, go to one of the lighter productions, such as Midsummer's Night's Dream or Much Ado about Nothing. Do not take on King Lear or Hamlet, especially Lear. I sat through Lear the other night--over three hours watching some guy go mad. Sorry, but that is not my idea of fun. Cultural enrichment yes, fun no.

Well, we have taken care of your stomach and your brain. Next time we will go for the heart.

W. B. Wentz, aided by Charlie

What to do in Broadway